
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Winter's Journey

A post-recital reflection for Dr. Kevin McMillan

Through the cold and dreariness of January’s ebbing tally
We came from here and there in winter-tired Valley
For concert that would light deep embers
As singer beguiled us to remember
Our own dark paths and muddy ways
And singing, clad these ghosts from olden days.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Blessing of Epiphany

Since serving in the Lutheran church where the season of Epiphany is part of the worship calendar, I like to leave my Christmas decorations up at least until the Festival of Epiphany. For centuries, January 6 has been celebrated as the Festival of Epiphany in many Christian churches around the world. "The Twelve Days of Christmas" marks this time frame. Since people normally gather for worship only on Sunday, many protestant churches follow the Roman Catholic practice of celebrating Epiphany on the first Sunday after January 1, which was January 2 this year.