
Friday, January 11, 2013

Traveling Intentions

At the beginning of a New Year, I want to share a poem I wrote several years ago that ponders the journey through life. It's a prayer with four sections, each of which begin with a simple petition.  It's written from the point of view of "us" not just "me" in recognition that we do not journey alone, but that others are on this journey too.

Traveling Intentions
by Nancy Gerst, 2008

Lord, protect us from
Arriving on the Golden Side of River Jordan
And finding--as we dog-like disperse the
Waters of baptismal death--
That we've arrived holding tightly to a
Suitcase full of good intentions.
Things we Meant to Do with
Greatest of Goodwill
And kindest, loving thoughts
But never moved toward the doing of
With gritting purpose,
Flinging aside delays and excuses
And stony mountains of impasse
With determination to give Glory to God
As long as we lived and moved and
Had our being in Him.

Help us Lord to arrive with
Battered, bursting, dinged up satchel
Overflowing with humble, loving
Acts of devotion aimed at
Fulfilling our call to love you
With all our heart, soul, mind, and strength
And our neighbors too.

Remind us daily
That you help us carry this
Valise of the Light Burden
And pick us up when we stumble
Over rocky terrains of
Forbidding days
And shed light on all the
Dark Corners where
Spiders of Death lurk
Waiting to give us a great fright
And suck out our joy.

Give us a vision of Jesus,
The Champion Rider,
Who circles us round,
Protecting our small, stained
Vessel of gifts for you,
Gilding them with holy,
Blood-stained Glory,
Intent on ushering us into Your Kingdom,
Tattered or intending-to-be-so,
Or unaware of which we are,
But all the same
Received by recognition
Of the Holy Mark
Writ on us and across
Your hands that pull in the reigns
And settles us into
That unending place of peace and joy
Where all we do is
Real and Present
And unfulfilled dreams
Have ceased to exist.

Thomas Cole, PUBLIC DOMAIN via Wikipaintings 

Study for Pilgrim of the Cross at the End of His Journey

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Two favorites that I'll share again as they complement this poem so well. 

PILGRIM'S HYMN by Stephen Paulus 

AS WITH ROSY STEPS THE MORN - from Handel's opera Theodora
Here is the text for this one ...

Ah! Whither should we fly, or fly from whom?
The Lord is still the same, today, for ever,
And his protection here, and everywhere.
Though gath'ring round our destin'd heads
The storm now thickens, and looks big with fate,
Still shall thy servants wait on Thee, O Lord,
And in thy saving mercy put their trust.

As with rosy steps the morn,
Advancing, drives the shades of night,
So from virtuous toil well-borne,
Raise Thou our hopes of endless light.
Triumphant Saviour, Lord of day,
Thou art the life, the light, the way!
As with rosy steps. . . da capo


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