
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Graceful Landing on a Leapin' Day

Leap Year snuck up on me. Did it you? What good ways to live through this gift of an extra twenty-four hours in our year will we choose?  Perhaps we could catch up on the laundry or sleep, or work extra hours at the office, or clean out the garage. Perhaps we could listen to a friend, or visit a neighbor, or stop to listen to the birds singing. Perhaps we could ignore the gift or scoff at the notion of it being special. Perhaps we could walk through the day like any other, with just a bit of fairy dust sprinkled at our feet. Perhaps. 

An extra day comes as a present. An extra day presents opportunity.  An extra day births opportunity to elongate life.  Leap! Leap! Leap my heart into the day with your boots on and backpack of good intentions ready to leap into action. 

Maybe this leap year, this February 29, I’ll determine to do something unique every February 29. Establish a ritual that marks such a fine phenomenon in a fitting way. Maybe I’ll make a very conscious effort to . . .

or . . .

Lambs at the farm of Barbara Parry, Shepherd, Fiber Artist
Audaciously &

Duty or delight?  Whichever, I leap with imagination into this intercalary, seated at my computer writing a blog post for my family and friends. 

Time now to zip up my backpack of ideas, and count those 
cute leaping sheep as I get some sleep!

A poem/song for the day by e.e. cummings and Eric Whitacre:   

where you can read more about her, enjoy her photos, 
and purchase her unique yarn. What an interesting lady and life's vocation!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post! I love those beautiful little lambs.
