

As an Indiana farm girl raised on country goodness and simple faith, my love for sacred music blossomed in the sunlight and soil of hard work, Sunday mornings and evenings in the old Baptist church, choirs at school and church, and piano lessons. I don't think as a child I ever imagined that I'd be so privileged to be leading music programs at the places I've been. Yet I always had this burning passion for music and worship. As time passed, the Lord kept nudging me along until I discovered gifts He's given me that gave shape and purpose to my musical longings and leanings. 

I have a deep desire to help people worship the living God; not just in any manner, but to the very best of their ability, with great joy and love, and all wrapped in the robe of excellence for the glory of God. My viewpoint and skill is in the great tradition of the Christian church, as a choral director, organist, and administrator. It is my passion to help people in the Christian church see the life-giving value in the great worship traditions of the past, highlighting how they are relevant for the 21st century, even as musician-artists add their voices and gifts to this parade of worshiping saints. When I say the Apostle's or Nicene Creed in worship along with other Christians and we get to the phrase, "I believe in the communion of saints," I am always reminded of this great parade of church musicians through all the ages and the continuity, legacy, and ever growing, enlarging repository of their works the church has for keeping worship rich, vibrant, truthful and more. 

What does it mean to be a 21st century Christian musician? It means to embrace music that is the finest that we can offer to God. It means that the message of the music is paramount and that everything the notes do must tell the truth about the message and help make it as meaningful as possible. It means that worship music will be more than music from one genre, decade, school of thought, or style. It means that what I choose to do today is somehow connected to one Man who lived in dusty Palestine over 2000 years ago. It means that I believe in God's faithfulness to maintain his message through the millenium. It means that I believe, as the Westminster Cathechism says, that the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. 

Why write a blog? Perhaps to keep myself thinking, honest and growing. Perhaps to give you a little to chew on when you consider what your worship life is like. The concept of "Make God's Praise Glorious" has grown over the years as I've lived into it to mean not just formal or corporate times of worship, but a way of being and a way of living. You may find me on Tuesday morning putting the polish on a score the choir will be singing soon; later that evening you may find me experimenting with a new recipe for Pineapple Upside Down Ginger Bread. All to the Glory of God.

If you have stumbled on my writings here, blessings to you. May the Lord stir a little more passion in your heart for seeking to worship him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength in your corner of the world and maybe even beyond that corner.  Soli Deo Gloria! To God alone be the glory!

This is my passion. If you were expecting this page to be a traditional type resume, you can find that here and on LinkedIn.