
Friday, June 22, 2012

One Star for Me

While cruising through the book of Genesis and the part in Abraham's story where God tells him his descendants would be as numerous as the stars, this quote came to mind:
Sometimes I think of Abraham, 
and how one star he saw had been lit for me.
                                            Rich Mullins, singer/songwriter
Those descendants include all who come to God through faith (see Romans 4.)

What a hope-filled, joyful thought, to look up at the starry night and muse on which is "my star." And not only that, but to see the millions of stars (and imagine the ones we can't even see) and realize this is a picture of all the people who belong to God. Hmmm......the kingdom of heaven is brimming over!

Rich Mullins was tragically killed in an auto accident at the peak of his career at age 41.

Wikipedia has a good summary of his life HERE.

My niece Annie is a fan of Rich Mullins, enjoying his music and finding inspiration in his writing. They have a mutual interest in working with the Navajo children in the southwest US. That mutual interest is a reminder that even a life that seems truncated way too early, can have an influence that glows long beyond it's time on earth. Kind of like seeing the light of a star thousands of light-years away.

This all also reminds me of the importance of writing down/recording one's deepest or best thoughts/music. I wondered the other day if my little blog posts, compositions, or recordings will still be floating around on the internet when I'm long gone from this world, and if they are, 1) would anyone read/listen to them, and 2) would they be worth reading/hearing.

Deep thinking in the midst of morning laundry and a practice session at the piano. Life is good.

~ ~ ~ R E L A T E D   M U S I C   L I N K S ~ ~ ~

CREED by Rich Mullins 
(the video is great; a very short ad at the front end for . . . SPAM!)

LUX AETERNA by Mortin Lauridsen
(Light Eternal)

LIGHT EVERLASTING by Olaf Christiansen
sung by the St. Olaf Choir

ABRAHAM'S LULLABY (Score) - a recent composition from my pen for Men's Chorus and solo cello (see the score link on left side of my website homepage)

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