
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Wormwood’s Black Eye

Have you read Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis? In that imaginative satirical novel, a senior demon, Screwtape, writes letters to Wormwood, a Junior Tempter who he is mentoring. The letters pertain to Wormwood’s responsibility for securing the damnation of a man known as “the Patient.”

Saturn's Rings
It’s often helpful to me when a little or big wrinkle in life presents itself to remember that cautionary tale. We all have our own demons trying to upset the apple cart of our journey through this life. To God our Father, we may be children, but to the powers of darkness we are projects to be destroyed.

This morning about 5:00 a.m. I took one of those apples in my cart, spit-polished a David-like aim, and let it fly. I think the Wormwood who disturbed my sleep is eating applesauce for breakfast. He may have an ice pack on his eye too.

It’s become my habit when my sleep is disturbed to choose from a menu of good options as an alternative to sleeplessness. Wormwood’s intentions were likely to waken me to stewing and fretting, while tossing and turning and getting fussed up about problems real or imaginary playing like a shadow theater on the bedroom wall. 

After I figured out that strategy several years ago, I came up with my own defensive plan:   #1 - pray or read my Bible or other good book. I learned that strategy from my mother who especially employed it during her years of frail health, but strong mind and spirit. This strategy not only calms my spirit, but often makes me sleepy (I mean no offense to the Lord by that last part of the sentence.)

Option #2 is to do some of my chores, work off a little energy. That sense of satisfaction at being ahead of the game before sunrise most often brings a nice ensuing nap before the official arrival of morning. Option #3 for me is to write.

This morning, 5 a.m. found me in the kitchen making a loaf of rye bread to use for Panini sandwiches for lunch. That bread will be perfect paired with the delicious Swiss cheese we got at the Guggisberg Cheese House in Charm Ohio last weekend while on a trip in northeastern Ohio.

I also made some velvety-smooth chocolate mint pudding, cranberry-carrot salad with orange dressing, and a pitcher of ice tea. Praying while I washed up the few dishes gave me that black-eye thought, as a small patch of scorched pudding taunted me from the bottom of the sauce pan. A vigorous scrub with Dawn dish soap and a trusty scrubbing pad brought the score to Wormwood – 1, Nancy – 2

Continuing on the offensive with Option #3, this little post gives away that rascal’s strategy to an audience around the world. Wormwood – 1, Nancy - 3. Game over for this morning. Thanks Coach. I’m headed off for a little post-game nap before getting ready for morning worship. It's another beautiful Sunday. 

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Screwtape on Stage near you  

Memorable quotes from Screwtape Letters  

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