
Friday, May 3, 2013

Cubes and Boxes

Our family (hubby and me) is in the midst of moving. Have you too made a move, and, on the loading end, felt a bit of dislocation as you felt neither here nor there? 

Looking around today while trying to decide where I am living at the moment, I mused that a particular art-form helped me put into words how I felt  . . . .

Moving to a New City

Amid the boxes packed and strewn
My life’s story scatters
Like a Picasso still life;
A puzzle to be sent off
To a new home
Where a solution stirs
As, unpacking,
I will reflect on what was,
And what is to be,
While feathering the
Chapter of today in 
Freshly uncubed recesses
Of hearth and home.

© Nancy Gerst, 5/3/13

Violin and Grapes, 1912 - Pablo Picasso

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 


A trilogy of music for the moving blues ...

Lark Ascending - Ralph Vaughan Williams 


Wanderer Fantasy, D. 760 - Schubert


The Lord Is My Shepherd - Harold Goodall