
Friday, April 27, 2012

All Creatures Great and Small

Larry:     I rescued a turtle over my lunch hour today!
Me:        ???

Eastern Box Turtle - Terrapene Carolina
Larry:   He was half-way across the road on Factory Outlet Drive right at the Airport Blvd
and I-40 entrance. I saw him and just knew he’d be hit so I pulled into a gas station, and hurriedly walked back to where he was, and [shaking his head] grit my teeth and picked him up and escorted him across the road.

Me:   !!  What if he was a snapping turtle [trying to imagine Larry doing his job minus a couple fingers] ?!

Larry: Oh I could tell he wasn’t a snapper, just a regulation turtle.  

Me:  [is that what they called turtles in Brooklyn where he grew up?? I thought that was a term for baseball or something like that.]  

Larry:   [Beaming] Several drivers gave me the thumbs up as they zoomed by as I placed him in a woodsy stretch along the road.

Me:  Did he stick out his head and try to bite you?

Larry:  No, he hunkered down. But he did pee on my shoe. Thankfully it didn’t get on my pants. 
I’m smiling as I imagine my husband toting that little turtle out of harm’s way. And thanking God to be married to such a considerate man—even one who is a regulation-turtle-snapper-upper.   BTW, if you zoomed by that scene and happened to snap a photo on your cell phone, I’d love a copy!

“All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small. 
All things wise and wonderful the Lord God made them all.” 
All Things Bright and Beautiful (John Rutter)

The Pond on Spring Hill Farm Where I Grew Up
Postscript:   On the northern Indiana farm where I grew up there was a township snapping turtle that was legendary for its size and age. My oldest brother said this elderly turtle statesman lived in our pond. Even so, the boys sailed out on a rope and landed in his murky habitat on hot summer days. He was said to be at least a hundred years old and had been spotted here and there around the neighborhood, popping up at unexpected times and places. It was reported in after dinner tales that he was the size of a small armored tank (i.e. 20 inches with his head tucked in, 32 inches when he was battle ready). My grandpa said this was all true, and although I never saw the turtle, I believe every word of it. Mostly.

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