
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Little Surprises Along the Way

Recently a friend gave me the little book When God Winks at You. The author’s premise is that God speaks through the power of coincidence in our lives, and that many people miss hearing the message or making the connection. The book is a collection of stories of people who have made the connection.

Laying the little tome aside this morning, I ponder how God has sent so many little blessings into my day along the way. I prefer to call them blessings rather than a coincidence or wink. My friend Lois says these are Psalm 37:4 markers of God’s presence and care in our lives:

Delight yourself in the Lord
    and he will give you the desires of your heart.

I think of her and of this verse from David’s pen whenever I experience one of these remarkable little loving gestures from the Lord. They are affirmation to me that I’m not plugging away down a dead-end path, but apparently the general tenor of my life is one that delights in the Lord. We all need this kind of perk, don’t we, when we seem to muddle along or life gets complicated? It’s a sign to me of how loving our God is and how deeply He cares about His children.

One appliance in my stash of kitchenware has the invisible label PSALM37:4 on its side. It came into my possession in a quite remarkable way.

While zooming through the aisles of the local Target one evening in late October in the late 1990’s, a display of bread makers caught my eye. “I’d really like to get one of those! But not now, the kids need some winter clothes. Maybe I’ll budget that in next spring.”  A fleeting thought, easily dismissed and forgotten. 

One evening near Christmas my son came home from a date with a big present in his arms. “Mom, this is for you from Kelly’s parents.” [You know where I’m headed, but keep reading . . . it’s a great story]. I put the present under the tree, delighted that as a single Mom, I had something so big and elegantly wrapped to open on Christmas morning. 

Bath-robed, slippered, and happy with the kids that Christmas morning, when it was my turn to open a present, I tore the paper off the side of the mystery box, and burst into tears. The exact bread maker I had so wistfully, yet fleetingly eyed at Target, sat on my lap smiling at me in its Christmas gown. 

Coincidence? In my book and David’s certainly not! I love to make bread in that little machine, and not just because it is so tasty and makes the house smell so wonderful. Over the years, I’ve been privileged to share bread made from that little appliance with family and many friends, old and new. I like to think it tastes extra delicious because of the magical way it came into my kitchen. To those who have shared bread with me, wouldn’t you agree?

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Here are guidelines for eating bread in a nice restaurant or formal setting. At my house, please eat it however you like (but do pass the basket around the table!).

This afternoon I'm trying this recipe. Sounds yummy!
Let Us Break Bread Together is a beloved hymn, often sung during Holy Communion in Christian worship. Here are several interesting settings sung by singers from around the world:



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